The Importance of Lighting and Ambiance in Mall
A shopping mall is always buzzing as it is one of the places that people love spending their time for relaxation, shopping, and hang out with friends or family. The main reason for people to visit the mall is the ambiance. The stunning architecture and design of the mall are what attract people to come back again. Do you know what accentuates and amplifies the ambiance of a shopping mall? It is the lighting. The lighting of a mall is indispensable as it has numerous benefits. Lighting sets the mood for leisure and it also acts as an aid for a customer to purchase goods. Let us take a look at how lighting plays an important role in malls.
Lighting in Mall and Sales
You might think that lighting is just a piece of décor that is used in all places. But, lighting has a deeper meaning to them. Lighting is used to stand out apart from all, stir emotions in the buyer, and create a brand image. The mall thoroughfares are darker than of other areas so that the shop windows can be seen clearly and brightly. If the lighting is designed intelligently, it has the power to trigger the shopping pulse and change the behavior of purchase.
The lighting designers design the lights to aim for people of different target groups as it is the main importance in terms of store presentation. If you are looking at the point of sales, lighting doesn’t prevent sales but instead, lighting may reduce the sale. The designers will keep this in mind and will give importance to the areas where it is needed much.
Focus on Illumination, Color, and Temperature of Color
The lighting in a mall plays the role of setting the mood apart from illuminating the area. The higher the color and the temperature, the more calming and refreshing will be the ambiance. The lower the temperature the warmer you will feel. The purpose of lighting in a mall is to attract the customer by visualization of the commodity under perfect illumination color temperature, color rendering, and brightness. All you have to do is communicate with the customers in silent language by creating the wow factor with lighting.
Different Lighting for Different Areas
Using different lighting in different areas of the mall will help people to shift focus and it should do the job that is needed there. For instance, shop sales are the main focus, so the shelves require more lighting than the aisles. The shops have to focus more on vertical surfaces as it emphasizes more on the product. Another area to focus on with lighting in a mall is the car parking, entrances, crossings, and public areas. It must be safe to move around and convenient to park the vehicle.
Make the Lights Smart
The smart features play a vital role in controlling the lighting. When it is dark outside, the shop fronts can rely on soft lighting. On the flip side, when the days are brighter it would be enticing for people to shop when the light is less contrasting than outside. The smart lights provide great efficiency in terms of commerce. Smart lighting can be used to save a lot of energy by optimizing the lighting. Smart lighting can be controlled to complement the weather. One lighting that is a part of every mall is LED. It is hassle-free, long-lasting, and is energy efficient. LED façade lighting is preferred by shop owners as it accentuates the look of the shop and attracts people.
Bottom Line
If you want to design the lighting of the mall the best thing to do is to contact the best lighting designers in India.
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